Today Stella was back for her 7 month pictures, wow is time flying! Stella was excited to show me some new tricks this month, she’s crawling, pulling up, bouncing on her knees, crazy! Stella brought some special knit toys with her, handmade by her grandma. Of corse we had to incorporate those. I hope you all all enjoying watching Stella grow as much as I am!
Today Stella was back for her 6 month photos, hard to believe she’s 6 months already… it seems to be going so fast! Stella and her mom and dad brought in some specials people for this shoot, both grandmas! I just love extended family shoots. I think it’s such a treasure for children to have pictures with all of the people that love them as they grow up. Enjoy the sneak peek, much more to come…
Stella is a very special baby planner I photograph every month, newborn, 1,2,3,4 and now 5 months. I so love seeing Stella every month and getting to document her growth and development. Today Stella was back for her 5 month pictures. We decided to change it up and get outside in the beautiful weather. Stella was so sweet and easy for me today, maybe we need to take her outside for pictures more often! Enjoy the sneak peek, much more to come…
If you follow my blog you know Stella, she comes and sees me every month. This is her 5th shoot: newborn, 1, 2, 3, and now 4 months! I am having just so much fun watching Stella grow, every month there’s subtle changes, I can hardly wait to see what she’ll be up to next month. I have a feeling mom and dad won’t be able to get rid of me after her birthday :) Enjoy the sneak peek guys, much more to come…
Stella is a babyplanner that I photograph every month, this week she was back for her three month pictures. Usually one and two months are the hardest ages to photograph but apparently Stella didn’t get the memo, she was much easier at those ages than she was at her newborn or three month sessions :) I think Stella just wants to do things her own way and keep us guessing, and hey when you are this cute who can complain? Enjoy the sneak peek guys, much more to come…