I have gotten so far behind on blogging but I can’t bear not to share all of these gorgeous sessions. If I try to do them all individually I’ll never catch up so I’m going to do one great big post highlighting some recent sessions, enjoy!




































Another of my baby planners turning one… boo hoo! It is just the most awesome part of my job to watch little people grow. Jackson started with me a little late at 6 weeks old… he had the best hair ever! I officially love ending a baby plan with an outdoor family session. I love capturing the connection of each little family as they transition from baby to toddler. So much fun stuff ahead. This little family has just been a joy to work with, enjoy Jackson’s first year~

[mbspremium slideshow=1 width=”900″ title=”Jackson” subtitle=”A Year in Pictures”]

OK, now I’m going to cry! These baby planners graduating is so emotional for me… yes Stella is a year old! It’s hard to believe how fast it’s gone. If you follow my blog you know Stella, I’ve photographed her every month from one week old to now a year. At her newborn session Stella showed us just how feisty she was, an hour and a half in I don’t think I had taken a single picture :) Now she’s a little lady, still full of personality and spunk. Getting to photograph her every month has been an amazing challenge, keeping it fresh and different each time. I’m really proud of what we’ve accomplished, I’ve never had the pleasure of following a child so closely before. Stella’s mom and I may have withdrawals when the middle of the month rolls around and we are not photographing her! Don’t worry, Stella will still be around plenty, I think we’re moving to an every three month plan. So here she is, get a cup of coffee and sit back and enjoy~

*** a note to e-mail subscribers- if this slideshow does not display correctly in your e-mail please click through to the blog to view.

[mbspremium slideshow=1 width=”900″ title=”Stella Winter” subtitle=”A Year in Pictures”]

Hard to believe it but Riley is a year old! Riley is a very special baby I’ve been able to follow through maternity, newborn, three months, six months, nine months, and a year! Some of my favorite images I’ve ever taken are of Riley. I can’t leave out her brother Travis, on many occasions he stole the show :) So get a box of tissue and enjoy Riley’s first year, I know I have enjoyed every minute of it.

*** a note to e-mail subscribers- if this slideshow does not display correctly in your e-mail please click through to the blog.

[mbspremium slideshow=1 width=”970″ title=”Happy Birthday Baby” subtitle=”Riley’s 1st Year”]

You may remember Scarlett from her shoot last winter, she’s the baby with the big blue eyes in the opening slideshow of my website. Look how big she’s gotten! Scarlett was back for her one year pictures and she’s a little lady now. We had to do Scarlett’s pictures in two sessions because she was teething and not feeling great. The family was able to come back and get some great images of Scarlett and her brothers Jackson and Riley. The last shot is the last frame I took at the first session. Sweetheart, I think it’s such a lovely image but she clearly just needed a hug at that point.





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