My little niece Cassandra also had a birthday this Fall! Enjoy Cassie’s first year in pictures!


2013 is off to a very busy start and I am so far behind on blogging! I’ve set a goal for myself to catch up over the next few weeks, there’s just too much cuteness not to share it! Sweet little baby planners Jake and Cassidy had their first birthday, here’s a look back at their year with Laurie Sachs Photography. Enjoy~



One of my baby planners had her final session over the holidays, enjoy Isabella’s first year!



I have had some super adorable one year olds lately! I photographed all of these sweeties as newborns and in the last few weeks they were all back for birthday pictures. Enjoy Max, Cruz, Tyler, and Riley!

If you read my blog you know I’m a blubbering mess when my baby planners graduate. Juliana I’ve been following since she was in utero, we photographed her as a newborn, at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months and did an anniversary session for her parents, what a year! This slideshow isn’t so much a baby story as it is a family story… get a tissue :) Juliana’s year ended with an outdoor family shoot that’s one of my favorite outdoor family sessions ever, feels like it almost needs it’s own blog post so be sure to watch through to the end of her sideshow for those images.










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