Last night was the Santa Clarita Baby Network’s first seminar, the event was a HUGE success! New and expectant parents of the SCV gathered at Gymboree of Valencia to hear the Drs. Horowitz of Discovery Pediatrics talk about new baby care. The topics covered included “When to call the Dr.?” and “Important information on Swine Flu and babies”. There was also a question and answer portion of the evening where a variety of topics relating to sleep patterns, breast feeding, and introducing solids were discussed. You know how difficult is is to ask questions at the pediatricians office with a sick baby in your lap, this was the perfect opportunity to have the pediatricians there to answer all those questions new parents have in a relaxed, informal setting. There were raffle prizes given out by the various vendors of the Santa Clarita Baby Network including free memberships to Gymboree and Baby Bootcamp, a gift certificate for Stork Vision of Valencia, and a free portrait sitting with yours truly. The Signal Newspaper sent a reporter and photographer to cover the event so keep an eye out for us there. Here are a few images from the event:
The Drs. Horowitz telling it like it is…
And you all know it’s the little ones that always grab my attention. “Did you hear that mom! I had no idea…”
I think this little lady found the evening quite informative…
The Santa Clarita Baby Network will be sponsoring informational seminars for new parents quarterly so be sure to join us for our future events. See you all there! Notes from last night seminar will be available for viewing and download at
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