I have so many shoots from Christmas I have yet to share (not to mention around 50 other shoots from last year), I figured I’d start with blogging my own family! Hands down, my kids are always my most challenging shoot of the year! This year I really wanted a great family picture as we are in a stage of transition with my oldest set to graduate from high school in May, sniffle, sniffle… where has the time gone??? I don’t feel old enough to be the mother of an adult, and yet that day is quickly approaching. So here we are- the Sachs family 2014, the kids are 17, 15, 10, and 7. These were shot in basically a ditch on the side of the road by my house in about 15 minutes, because that’s how it rolls when it’s your own family!
My goodness, I can;t believe how grown up they are! Yet you do not seem to age :) Beautiful photos! Thats a gorgeous ditch on the side of the road ;)