Sweet Ricky | Valencia Newborn Photographer

This session was so much fun! Ricky could not have been more adorable but the best part was seeing his mama. We grew up together, Kristy was one of my earliest playmates and later partner in crime ;) We must have driven our poor mothers insane. There are some people in your life that no matter how long it’s been since you’ve talked you pick up just like you never left, she’s one of them. Love you Kris, it was a pleasure to photograph your sweet boy. Enjoy Ricky~

  1. Beautiful session, Laurie!!!

  2. Angela says:

    Precious and sweet!! Wonderful shots!

  3. Kati says:

    Just perfect and sweet. Beautiful images Laurie

  4. Tina Ramirez says:

    such a beautiful baby. Love that smile!

  5. Anna says:

    These are absolutely gorgeous, what a sweet baby!

  6. Keri says:

    What a cutie!! LOVE that little smile!!

  7. molly says:

    adorable! and how fun to be able to shoot for an old friend!

  8. stephanie T says:

    These images are classic and perfection! Beautiful :)

  9. What a lovely session, and a gorgeous little one. The smile, to die for!

  10. Cherron says:

    LOVE these. He is just so precious.

  11. Megan says:

    So sweet!!! Love his little smile!

  12. amanda says:

    Oh that light hair!! How I love that! So cute!

  13. Love that little smile–too cute!

  14. […] fam­i­lies of her three teenaged daugh­ters and his teenaged son. They decided to add lit­tle Ricky to their fam­ily last year then just 15 months later lit­tle Jessie Ross. Dur­ing Kristy’s 6th […]

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