Where the magic happens

Most newborn and baby shoots take place in my natural light home based studio. It’s quiet and comfortable with all the props and goodies we could ever need.


  1. Your little space is divine! I’m looking to do something like it . . . would you mind telling me what kind of shade is on your window??

  2. Nicole says:

    hi, would you mind telling me what kind of objective ( 50mm. f2.8??) you use? It looks as if you are very close by the baby. Thanks and best regards.

  3. Maribel says:

    what a wonderful job to photograph babies!

    Can you tell me where you got your futon/sofabed?

  4. Karmen says:

    I love this!!! How beautiful!

  5. Deanna Ford says:

    Wow. Thanks for sharing this. What a great inspiration!

  6. Patti says:

    Hi Laurie! I love your studio!! I am a student photographer so pardon my question may seem silly, but is that a real window?? or is it a lighted panel of some sort?? So if it is a real window OMG you get a lot of light trough there!!!
    Congrats you have a dream studio!

  7. Nas says:

    Hi Laurie! I love what you did with your space! Perfect! Can you tell where you bought the round cushion that is in the corner and also used to prop up the baby? I have seen bean bags used but that one seems much better.

  8. Kendall Stoy says:

    SO jealous of your home studio, that is EXACTLY what I want! Which direction is your big window facing? North? Do you ever have issues with not having enough light?

  9. Hope S says:

    Love your studio! You do awesome work. What direction does your window face?

  10. flor austin says:

    Beautiful Studio!!! your pictures are beautiful!

  11. Sandra A. says:

    Amazing pictures, thank you for sharing!
    Your window is south faced you say…. is there some kind of diffusion in front of the window, to prevent direct sunlight?

  12. Dawn Townsend says:

    So awesome!! I really hope to do this someday. About what size is that room?? Love it.

  13. CHELSEA says:

    Hi Laurie! I was wondering where you got your backdrop mount? Thank You!

  14. Chloe Austin says:

    What an absolutely breathtaking studio! It’s amazing what you did with such a ‘little’ space!! :) If you don’t mind me asking, what is the name of the light gray paper? Thanks so much, Laurie!!

  15. Becci says:

    This is so so pretty! Also, Do you edit on your imac or it looks like you have more set up in the background as far as a monitor goes. I love your space !

  16. Corey says:

    Your space is absolute heaven! Gorgeous and so functional! I noticed that you put several blankets over your backdrop stand & beanbag… is that to smooth wrinkles and prevent seeing through the blanket?

  17. Cameron says:

    What a wonderful peaceful studio! It is perfect! Would you mind telling me what paint color you used on your wall?

  18. […] and I am not the master of studio work, so I won’t offer it. I started researching and saw Laurie Sachs space  and felt an instant connection to it. I already have that desk, and I loved the way the light was […]

  19. Corey says:

    Thanks Laurie! Where did you get that grey paper? Love the color!

  20. Yvette says:

    Hi Laurie,

    All these questions….
    Well it’s a great studio space and I think you did a great job getting it organized.
    I was wondering if you would share where you got the sofa?


  21. Samantha says:

    Love it, my studio space is similiarly “shaped” to yours and I’m currently in the s l o w process of decorating! What a great space you have, and I LOVE the beanbag on the couch idea!! Where did you get that couch? I neeeeed it! Lol

  22. Tammy Holtman says:

    I Love your studio and pictures! Could you please tell me where you got you wall organization unit and desk? This would be perfect for the small space I’m turning into my studio! Thanks~ Tammy

  23. Melissa says:

    Hi Laurie :) I tried to read all the comments before asking, but didn’t see anyone ask this. Could you tell me the dimensions of this studio/office space? This is just amazing!

  24. Kim Clark says:

    Hi Laurie! Beautiful studio. Could you tell me where you got the metal rod supports for the blankets?

    • Laurie says:

      Hi Kim,
      I’s a backdrop stand I have had for years, they have portable backdrop stands anyplace that sells photography equipment.

  25. sally says:

    Hi Laurie,
    You’re so sweet to be willing to share your pullbacks like this. I found it on pinterest and I am fairly new to newborn shoots with one coming up tomorrow. I have similar light source, so it really helped to see how you placed your babies in relation to the window, thanks!!

  26. Anne-Scarlett says:

    Hey Laurie!
    Ran across your blog on pinterest! As a novice natural light children’s photographer, I’m always looking for suggestions/advice from established photogs, and I love this visual of a good, clean natural light studio! I do have a question, on days when it’s overcast/dreary out, do you use a reflector of some sort, or how to you keep shadows from being cast on the subject when the light is so one directional?
    Also, do you use the grey paper as your white balance source or was it just a neutral you selected as your background?

    Thanks so much for your time!

    • Laurie says:

      Hi Anne,
      I rarely need to use a reflector but have one handy in case. I find that I almost always have enough light. The grey paper I chose just because I like it as a mid neutral.

  27. Lora says:

    Hi there! I LOVE your space, and I see you purchased your futon several years ago on Overstock. Do you happen to know the brand? Overstock doesn’t appear to carry it anymore, and I’d love to purchase the same one (especially since yours seems to have stood the test of time).

    Thanks so much for your time, and for sharing these pullbacks.

  28. April Sims says:

    Very inspirational blog post. Thank you for allowing us to come into your studio.

  29. Mindy says:

    Hey, I was wondering if you could give me the measurements of your studio. Would be ever so grateful!!

  30. Christina Poston says:

    I love your site! Im 25 and have three kids. I love pictures and am thinking a stay at home mom could get into something like this. If you have any advise for someone getting started…. Please let me know. Thank you so much.

    • Laurie says:

      Hi Christina, The best advice I can give you is to practice, practice, practice. I shot for 20 years before I ever considered going into business. Next, be sure you really want to run a small business. 90% of your time will be spent editing, marketing, bookkeeping, corresponding with clients, and not taking pictures. 70-80% of every dollar I bring in goes to taxes, insurance premiums, equipment, props, cost of goods sold, marketing materials, and other overhead. I would advise anyone starting a small business to go into it with their eyes open and a solid business plan in place. Best of luck to you.

  31. Chris says:

    Hey Laurie, beautiful studio, where did you purchase the 3 roller system for the papers?

  32. sheila says:

    Hi Laurie,

    I love your studio space and your work. I was wondering if you would give me a little insight on your marketing? Where and how you market yourself and your photography and what works best for you?

    • Laurie says:

      He Sheila, I network a lot with local businesses, keep my web presence high, offer great customer service to generate a steady stream of referrals. It’s not really one thing but many avenues to reach my client base.

  33. Nicole says:

    Your work is so inspiring!

  34. nicole pitts says:

    the roller shade is genius its made a giant soft box for you. I need a studio!

  35. mike says:

    Hey Laurie, beautiful studio! Do your clients sit in with you when shooting a session?

  36. The lighting in your studio is exquisite! Thanks for sharing your set up :)

  37. Cindy says:

    Beautiful work Laurie. Just curious, you mentioned your lens, what body do you use?

  38. Richel says:

    Hi, would you mind sharing what size picture frames you have on your wall and where you purchased them? I love your space!

  39. Lindsey says:

    Where do you get your blankets? Those can get so expensive. Great space, love it!

  40. Lindsey says:

    Where do you buy your blankets? Great space, love it!!

  41. Jason says:

    Hi Laurie,
    We are in the process of buying a new home and we are going to make a studio in the spare room. It happens to be almost the same size as yours. Are you able to get a full shot of the baby with the 50mm if you are shooting on the 10ft side? It seems like that is the direction you are shooting, but it’s hard to tell which lens you are using. Thanks!

  42. Sean in Aus says:

    Such a wonderful space, thanks for sharing Laurie!
    A question if I may… Do you leave your paper always hanging on the brakets?

    • Laurie says:

      Hi Sean, I do have it hanging all the time. I shouldn’t because it warps but those 9 ft rolls are too heavy to take up and down all the time by myself.

  43. Spicytee says:

    I love you pieces Laurie.. You are an inspirational. Would definitely love to meet you if I’m anywhere around you. Wow. You touched me always with your images.

  44. samantha says:

    Thanks laurie for sharing your space of magic….I’ts amazing!I’m a mother of two beautiful butterflies and now that they’re teenagers I’m back to my business of Photography (they are so excited about that). You stir me to my bones with your article about Balancing business and Family. I never heard of somebody that feel the same way I felt years ago, because most of my coworkers (here in Puerto Rico)where men and the ladies were single. I was so overwhelmed with the girls, the house, water polo practices,husband, school and business that I get another job and put my business and my photography behind. Thanks for the advice, I appreciate all that you share, you’re wonderful…God bless you, you’re family and business.

  45. Sonia says:

    Do you use a full frame camera?

  46. Sonia says:

    Also I have a studio that is 10×12, can I use a 50mm 1.4 lens?

  47. Lauren says:

    Hi Laurie, what wonderful pullback images. Thank you for sharing! And thank you for answering all of these many questions from everyone…its so nice to have someone share their knowledge/experience/tips. Not everyone does!

  48. Lani says:

    I enjoyed browsing your site – you do a great job! Just curious where you order prints from. Thank you!

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