Today Brady was back for his birthday pictures! It’s hard to believe it’s been a whole year since his newborn shoot. Brady’s mom was a little worried he might be shy but he warmed up to be in no time :) The last picture absolutely cracks me up, that’s Brady’s “are we done yet???” Enjoy the sneak peek, much more to come…

It’s hard to believe little JD is graduating from my baby plan! He started with me at 10 weeks and we’re finishing up at 18 months. He’s been a joy to photograph, here’s a review of his year in pictures…

Today I got to photograph the cutest girls, meet Liv and Leila!!! I don’t think I’ve ever photographed a little girl in a tutu before and in the last week and a half I’ve had four, must me something in the water! I thought I’d show many of these images in black and white but all the pink and little Leila’s gorgeous hair… I just couldn’t do it. I’m partial to that papaya blond as two of my babies had it :) Leila is celebrating her first birthday and sweet Liv just turned three. Enjoy the sneak peek, much more to come…

I cannot believe it’s been a year since these two little pumpkins were born! You may remember Trinity and Serenity from their newborn session. They were only three and four pounds when I photographed them, just look at them now! These girls just cracked me up today. As their mom explained they are mirror twins and always do the opposite of each other. One cries, the other smiles, one crawls one way, the other goes the opposite direction. As you can imagine this makes for some challenges but also a lot of laughs. Enjoy the sneak peek, much more to come…

Little Therese came in this week for her one year portraits, isn’t she gorgeous? We had so much fun once she warmed up. She thought taking off my knit hats was hilarious :) I hope her party is wonderful Saturday! Enjoy the sneak peek, much more to come…





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