Last weekend my daughter and I were looking through our family photo albums and it made me realize I’ve been neglecting photographing my little ones, bad mommy! I have this OCD thing about wanting pictures of all four of them but the logistics of that are just so hard with the big ones getting older. Truth be told I have a million pictures of the two older ones together when they were little, why not the younger ones! I’m going to make a concerted effort to photograph them more often and catch that “littleness” day to day. So here are my babies Luke and Vaughn :)
You never know what you’re gonna get! Now that Christmas cards are all sent out I’ll share some of my own family’s Christmas shoot. Every year I set out to photograph my family, 4 rambunctious kids from pissy teenagers to tirading toddlers, 2 french bulldogs, and a partridge in a pear tree. I do this photo shoot with a remote determined to be in the pictures myself. This is at best a stupid proposition but somehow it all works out. This year we dragged a couch out to a loading dock for an “urban” shoot… as urban as Santa Clarita gets. My stroke of genius was to bring my mother in law along to jump around behind the camera, kids can’t scowl at their Nana, right? Little did we know when we made these plans that it would be 51 degrees out with heavy freezing wind. We nearly made a Popsicle of our Nana. We can’t thank her enough. I am a fan of outtakes. My kids know this. If you do something stupid during a photo shoot it will likely end up on the card or on the wall, this year was no different. Enjoy my family, all of their noise and craziness makes my heart sing. This is us. From my family to yours a very Merry Christmas!
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[mbspremium slideshow=1 width=”900″ title=”Sachs Family” subtitle=”2010″]
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A disclaimer, this is a thoroughly gratuitous mommy post :) My youngest son Vaughn is, um, a challenge to photograph. When I try and take pictures of all four kids he is a downright nightmare. The best luck I’ve had in photographing him is to prop him up on something high and throw marshmallows at him. I really wanted to get some beautiful outdoor pictures to highlight how insanely cute he is right now. I took Vaughn out to Hart park to tromp around and hopefully get some pictures. I had no intention of hiking up to the mansion, but Vaughn, as usual, got his way and had the last laugh…
[mbspremium slideshow=1 width=”900″ title=”Adventures in mommyhood” subtitle=”schooled by a master”]
Or maybe summer of screaming tantrums? I took my kids out yesterday for some new pictures of the four of them as summer is so quickly winding down and to commemorate my oldest’s 13th birthday (Happy Birthday Eric, you are one fantastic kid!) I’ve been wanting to take them over to Billy’s surf shop in Newhall to get some pictures in front of their super cool wall. My littlest makes taking pictures so unbelievably miserable it’s actually comical. He flails, screams, runs away while the other kids try their darnedest to keep it together. I have never had a client’s child behave as badly as my own, my happy, joyful boy turns into a belligerent little gremlin as soon as I try and get him to stand with his brothers and sister. Somehow I always seem to get an amazing shot of them but boy do I pay for it, really they could drive a girl to drink. So here’s “the shot” and some outtakes to show you what photographing them is really like :)
Yup, they’re mine :) You know that old adage about the cobblers children having no shoes? Well, I won’t say I have no pictures of my children because I do have some amazing shots of them, but they don’t make it easy! For Mother’s Day I really wanted some new pictures of them and so everyone got ready, my husband was eager to assist, unfortunately the small one there didn’t get the memo that he was supposed to cooperate on Mother’s day. He cried, he laughed, he ran away, there may have been some good natured hair pulling and even a nibble or two! Throughout this ordeal the other three did everything they could to keep it together, but yeah, you can see how that worked out. Good thing he’s cute is all I’m saying… Happy Mother’s Day one and all!