One of my favorite models was back for new headshots!
It’s that time of year again, dance show season! Every year I photograph the Valencia High School varsity dance team for their big year end show. This year’s show will take place April 29th and 30th, come on out and support our national championship high school team. We’ll be there with bells on to watch all of the amazing dancers of the Santa Clarita Valley including of course my lovely daughter who dances for Studio 1 dance academy as well as the Waves Jr High All Stars! Here’s our 2010-11 Varsity Dance Team:
[mbspremium slideshow=1 width=”900″ title=”VHS” subtitle=”2011″]
My niece had her senior year Winter Formal this weekend. Brooke is one of my very favorite subjects, she loves my camera and it loves her right back! Somehow when we weren’t looking she grew up. We’ve had a fun little photo shoot every year for formal, hard to believe this is the last one, boo hoo. The scary thing is my kids are right behind her. God help me.
Meet West Ranch High School Senior Ally! I don’t get to shoot all that many seniors, it’s so much fun I wish I did more! It seems here in SCV people go get their yearbook shots but not much more. It’s such an important time of life, the last year of childhood, the last year at home, that it should be commemorated! Anyway, here are way too many pictures of gorgeous Ally. Enjoy the sneak peek, much more to come…