It’s hard to believe another year has come to a close, my 11th year in business! 2018 saw a lot of changes for our family and Laurie Sachs Photography! With two kids off at college and two still at home, my husband Jason and I took on more personal and professional projects than ever before. The void of having the older kids away at school was soon filled as I returned to classroom teaching- teaching writing, photography, and yearbook part time at a local school. This year has been a whirlwind, but it’s been so rewarding as well. I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing my skills and knowledge with my students and continuing to service my very loyal photography clientele. I’m so excited to see what 2019 will hold, but first a look back at the year in review. Thank you to all of my beautiful clients who come back to me year after year and continue to refer their friends. You are appreciated more than I can possibly express.
Here’s a fun link if you’re interested, all of my year in review posts since I started compiling them in 2009!
Santa Clarita Newborn Baby Photographer
It’s hard to believe another year has come to a close! 2018 marks the 10 year anniversary of Laurie Sachs Photography! This coming year will certainly be an exciting one as I celebrate a decade of photographing Santa Clarita families and near the 400 mark for newborn babies photographed. Unbelievable. I am so grateful to all of the families who trust me with their precious memories, who talk me up and refer me to their friends. I truly couldn’t have had the decade of success I have enjoyed without all of your support for my small business. I am truly humbled. Before we move on to the exciting year to come, I’d like to reflect on 2017 and all of the wonderful families I had the privilege to work with this past year-
I always love putting together my year end post, seeing all the gorgeous faces I photographed the previous year! 2016 was an amazing year at Laurie Sachs Photography, my 9th year in business. I’ve been so blessed by all of the clients that return to me year after year and refer their friends. So here it is, 2016! In 2017 I hope to blog regularly, I’ve missed sharing my work with all of you!
What an amazing year it’s been! When I look back, I am always humbled by all of the families that have entrusted me to capture their most precious memories. From the beginning I have been blessed as a business owner with unwavering support from our community, clients who freely sing my praises and send me their referrals, families who come back and see me year after year. This year I hit professional milestones photographing my 300th newborn baby, personal milestones when my oldest child graduated from high school and our family transitioned into this new stage with him, teaching another child to drive and sending her out on the road, traveling with my amazing husband and our kids, navigating 2nd and 5th grade with ourĀ little ones. Thank you for sharing this journey with me! I look forward to photographing your family in the coming year, but first a look back at 2015. Most of these sessions haven’t even hit the blog as I’ve been terribly behind, but here’s a little taste of 2015~
2014 has been an amazing year!!! As I move into my 8th year of business I am so humbled by all of the families that have chosen to make Laurie Sachs Photography a little part of their lives. Thank you, thank you for the continued support the Santa Clarita Valley has shown my business!!! Without further adieu, the year in review :)