This was a super fun session! I don’t get to shoot adults very often but when I do I sure enjoy it. This is the mom and dad of one of my baby planners. They thought it would be a nice idea to commemorate their anniversary with a photo shoot- no kids! I love their “date night” theme. I thinks it’s so important for couples to keep being photographed together, often the only time you’re ever in a picture once you’re a mother is because you are holding a child. I think it’s great for children to have pictures of their parents over the years, to see their moms as beautiful women and their parents as couples in love.
This shoot was sooooo much fun but way out of the box for me! Meet my adorable assistant Kerri. Kerri works behind the scenes here at Laurie Sachs Photography keeping things rolling and keeping my life sane, I couldn’t live without her! Kerri and Scott are getting married in October and I was thrilled to shoot their engagement pictures for them. Since I don’t take weddings I don’t photograph many couples, but heck this was fun! I wouldn’t let Kerri see these until they were all edited, I understand she’s been dying with anticipation. Sorry about the fire ants Scott! Scott plays the piano beautifully so we had fun incorporating that into our shoot. Here you go Kerri and Scott, enjoy :)