Caynen is a baby planner that comes and sees me every month, he’s done a lot of growing this Fall! Please enjoy Caynen from 2-5 months, there’s a few with big Brother Cassel too!
Meet Gemma and Malek along with their mom and dad, aren’t they the sweetest? 4 months and 19 months isn’t the easiest sibling combination ever but I’m super happy with what we got, doesn’t hurt that they are both adorable :) Enjoy~
Today Cassel was back for his 5 month shots, boy is he growing fast! We focused on getting some shots of Cassel and his pretty mama Jeanna. He was pretty well done with us at that point but we managed to get a few individual shots too! He’s so precious I just want to pinch his cheeks! OK, maybe I did pinch his cheeks :) Enjoy the sneak peek…