Summer of Love | Santa Clarita Family Photographer

Or maybe summer of screaming tantrums? I took my kids out yesterday for some new pictures of the four of them as summer is so quickly winding down and to commemorate my oldest’s 13th birthday (Happy Birthday Eric, you are one fantastic kid!) I’ve been wanting to take them over to Billy’s surf shop in Newhall to get some pictures in front of their super cool wall. My littlest makes taking pictures so unbelievably miserable it’s actually comical. He flails, screams, runs away while the other kids try their darnedest to keep it together. I have never had a client’s child behave as badly as my own, my happy, joyful boy turns into a belligerent little gremlin as soon as I try and get him to stand with his brothers and sister. Somehow I always seem to get an amazing shot of them but boy do I pay for it, really they could drive a girl to drink. So here’s “the shot” and some outtakes to show you what photographing them is really like :)

  1. Erin says:

    That wall is SO awesome!!!! And congrats on nailing one pic. I adore the outtakes, especially the last one. :-)

  2. Christy says:

    That last one is a good one to post on the wall too! ;) I haven’t even attempted a shoot with my kids. Except for their feet. I’m a bad momma! lol

  3. lindsay says:

    is it wrong that i love the last one best?

  4. Aimee says:

    Those are GREAT Laurie! I seriously can’t pick a favorite…great location too!

  5. Alyssa says:

    These are all great Laurie. Love the wall and that last photo is perfect.

  6. christine says:

    Can your kiddos be more adorable?! That wall is awesome!

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