I got to take headshots this weekend of the cutest girl! Meet Shelby, a 13 year old aspiring actress with a big performance coming up this week. Shelby and I got to talk photography too as she is on the yearbook staff at her junior high school. Hope you enjoy the sneak peek, break a leg!

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Today I met a lovely mother to be, eagerly awaiting the birth of her first child. This should be the most wonderful time of her life except that the man she loved, her baby’s father, was killed in an accident five months ago. She had her mom and her aunt there with her today and you could just feel how much these ladies cared for one another and how they had pulled together for each other and for this baby. There were some tears, there were some laughs, and there was definitely a feeling of excitement for the future. We tried to incorporate some remembrance of James into the pictures, his dog tags and his military flag. I hope I have done them justice. Enjoy the sneak peek, more photos to come. It was a honor to take your pictures Michelle.


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Well this is a fun blog post to write! This weekend was the Santa Clarita Valley Photographer’s Association annual print competition. I’ve never entered a print competition before but thought why not, could be fun, but I wasn’t sure what to expect. On the drive over to the photography expo Rose Marie, the owner of Fast Frame of Valencia, called to congratulate me. I won first place in the portrait category, third place in the landscape category, and received a merit award for my other entry. I was stunned and thrilled to have my work place so well against the well over one hundred other fantastic photographs from some of the wonderful photographers of the Santa Clarita Valley. These photos are courtesy of my husband and his iphone:

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Thursday May 14th is the grand opening celebration at Stork Vision of Valencia. You need to come on down and check out their state of the art family friendly facility located on Cinema Drive. Refreshments will be served and there will be a raffle full of goodies including a Target gift card, free ultra sound scan, a free portrait sitting plus print credit from me, and lots more! You’ll be able to take a peek at some of my work decorating their offices and framed courtesy Fast Frame of Valencia too! 4pm to 7pm Thursday May 14th, 23300 Cinema Dr #2910.


Given the option to do whatever I wanted on Mother’s Day I definitely was going to get out with my camera and my very favorite models, my four kids. I wanted to try an urban shoot with them, well as urban as Santa Clarita gets :) Thanks to my husband who served as photo assistant and baby spotter no children were harmed in the taking of these photos. I hope you’ve had a wonderful Mother’s Day one and all, I sure did!

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