Riley | Valencia Baby Photographer

Hard to believe it but Riley is a year old! Riley is a very special baby I’ve been able to follow through maternity, newborn, three months, six months, nine months, and a year! Some of my favorite images I’ve ever taken are of Riley. I can’t leave out her brother Travis, on many occasions he stole the show :) So get a box of tissue and enjoy Riley’s first year, I know I have enjoyed every minute of it.

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[mbspremium slideshow=1 width=”970″ title=”Happy Birthday Baby” subtitle=”Riley’s 1st Year”]

  1. Tina Ramirez says:

    just beautiful, love them all!

  2. Aimee says:

    Gorgeous, all of them! Lisa is so lucky to have all these beautiful photos of her precious little girl.

  3. melissa says:

    fabulous!! Lisa – she’s adorable :)

  4. Anna says:

    What a beautiful way to see her first year!

  5. Angela says:

    Aww…so fun to see her grow! So cute!

  6. Her newborn pictures are some of the first of your pictures I remember , so it must have been during that time that I became a fan of your work, simple, crisp, memorable moments that you’ve captured. Awesome work!

  7. kati says:

    wonderful work Laurie!!

  8. Lisa says:

    Thank you so much Laurie!!!! I love them all- cried through it all and want to plaster my walls with them ALL!


  9. ketti says:

    Ah, it’s so great to see how much she’s changed! Love them!

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